Why you want a world class hydraulics team working on your project…

Many hydraulics designers often have the fundamental CAD software skills and can put together a hydraulic schematic with the symbols in the correct order — but there is a completely different level of expertise required to ensure that your fluid power system blends into a seamless integration of motion control, bringing your machine to life.

Australia’s Most Trusted Fluid Power Experts For 50 Years

A good-looking car with a sub-par engine is no recipe for success, similarly a great machine with a poorly designed motion control system, ultimately will cost you more than you can imagine.

Here are key elements you have to think about before considering the right partner to work with you on your project.



It’s critical that you select a partner who has Engineering degrees, highly developed calculus abilities, Electric and Electronic capabilities as well as programming skills…all rolled into one team.

Industry Knowledge

You want a team that is completely immersed in Hydraulics every day and all day long. Someone with knowledge of all the products available and their use in a variety of applications across different industries. They also need to understand and be able to design to the various standards whilst considering operational, maintenance and safety requirements while adhering to professional compliance standards.


Working with a team that has the most cutting-edge tools and machinery is key to the success of your program.  This starts with a vast library of knowledge that can only be accumulated over a long period of time, in combination with powerful computers to run engineering and hydraulic related software such as Solidworks, Hydraw, MD Tools, Finite Element Analysis and Failure Analysis.  You want a team who can perform in-house research and development and reverse engineer products – along with building and testing prototypes in-house to report on functional, flow and pressure requirements.



Every project should start with a clear and detailed budget along with scope of work. A road map should then be created to ensure the project runs smoothly.

Reporting, live updates, review of 3D CAD and GA drawings, and other presentations should be in person or over the internet using various available technologies.

You want attention to detail throughout your project, including preparation of specifications, operations and maintenance manuals. 

Onsite commissioning should be completed by the Engineering team to ensure the exact specifications and objectives are met.



Lastly, you want to make sure that the team you are working with has the core values of trust and integrity. They need to have good communication skills, be great listeners, have the capacity for deep thinking and innovation. Please reach out to us about your upcoming project to see if we may be able to help you…

Australia’s Most Trusted Fluid Power Experts

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